Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Under My Umbrella..ella...ella..

Wow! Wet season here has come late, but with a vengeance! Yesterday didn't even reach the 30's and rained nearly all day. The same again yesterday. It is much more comfortable heat wise, but you are in a constant state of wetness- either from the rain or the sweat.I bought some gumboots at the market the other day as my sneakers got thoroughly trashed during Community Service and I have been wearing them around (quite smugly).
This week I joined one group to paint umbrellas in the traditional style. We were taught by an expert and they turned out to be quite beautiful. That art minor paid off.   We drew images of Frangipani, Elephants, Butterflies and Birds.
We have all gone to the night market a few times now- a kilometre long shopping market with really good imitation knock-offs of major brands. Dad, I cant promise that the Hugo Boss t-shirt I got you is actually 'genuine'. You get to haggle with steely determination and they chase you down the street and give in each time. They kind of expect you to get down to about half price. It makes me feel a little bad, as I am so privileged, but a bit exhilarated at the same time! You get hassled a lot to buy, but the best phrase you can say is "Mai pen rai" ( No worries/problem) and they leave you alone.
Today I went with 9M to the Buffalo Farm. Riding along on the bike and in my gum boots my smugness quickly turned to concern as the torrential rain filled them up to the brim. And then when we got the the Buffalo farm, which was flooded, they filled up the other way as we walked in the fields, and Buddha knows what else! We got to plow some fields, pick rice and then jump onto the Buffalo's back. I got out of the plowing, afeared that I would loose my boots, but not the buffalo mounting. I had a really Lucille Ball moment as I tried to jump up from behind, acutely aware that the girls had all done it effortlessly before me, as my back legs clung to it's bottom and my arm were reaching up its back, trying to wiggle on. Very inelegant! But I did it and the girls were please I had given it a go... they have pictures...
We rode back, full of mud, and are now washed and clean to go to the night market again. I will post some photos of the buffalo farm tomorrow.

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